- #Monstercat gold twitch channel id update#
- #Monstercat gold twitch channel id full#
- #Monstercat gold twitch channel id code#
- #Monstercat gold twitch channel id iso#
#Monstercat gold twitch channel id full#
realName: real user's full name as defined in profile. placeName / placeNameFull: place name you entered in your profile. googleMapsPlaceId: related to your place name. discordId: unique discord API ID for gold role. #Monstercat gold twitch channel id iso#
created: ISO 3901 datetime of account creation. Returns a JSON object containing some user infos and settings Result Self: /self/ User informations: GET /self limit / skip: you should start knowing those. total: Total number of releases in the database. results: numeric array containing Release objects. Releases: /releases Browsing releases: GET /releases Options There is backward compatibility with old mp3 bitrates which redirects to mp3_320.ĭownloading a track individually with Gold: GET ``/release//track-download/ Options Returns an MP3 file for streaming the track. Streaming track from the API: GET /release//track-stream/ fallbackUrl: will redirect to this URL if cover fails to load. image_width: Final size of the cover file. tracks: numeric array with all the tracks in the requested release. related: numeric array containing related releases. Release: /release Getting a single release: GET /release/ Options Returns genre, types and tags list for filtering the catalog browse. Get Catalog filters: GET /catalog/filters results: numeric array containing all the tracks. limit: returns the limit you asked, or the maximum if you asked too much. Filtering: you can filter by types, genres, creatorfriendly and tags, delimited by colons for multiple tags. Field filtering: you can filter by certain field types, for example only EPs with type=EP. Returns a JSON which represents tracks in the catalog, in reverse chronological order (newest first). userId: unique ID identifying the user that created the playlistĬatalog: /catalog/ Browse Catalog: GET /catalog/browse. #Monstercat gold twitch channel id update#
updatedAt: ISO 8601 datetime recording the latest playlist update.oldReleaseId / oldTrackId: IDs corresponding to API v1.Doesn't contain much, you can either grab release per release or use catalog browsing and providing a playlist ID. tracks: numeric array with release and track ids.public: is the playlist viewable by someone else than you ?.createdAt: ISO 8601 datetime of creation without timezone and finished with Z.deleted: is the playlist in deletion state ?.version: can include remixes, VIP, Acoustic.tracknumber: Track numbering in the corresponding release.
tags: numeric array containing strings which defines the track. streamable: Can track be played through the API ?. release: Object, which is the release that contains this track. isrc: international release ID, ISO 3901. inEarlyAccess: is the track reserved to gold ?. genrePrimary / genreSecondary: Genre strings, genrePrimary is mostly Dance, while genreSecondary represents genres like DnB, Electro. explicit: if the track contains swear words (boolean). duration: track length in seconds (integer).
downloadable: Is track currently downloadable or in gold preview ? (boolean).Timezone is after time, formatted like +/-hh:mm (%yyyy-%mm-%ddT%hh:%mm:%ss%+/-timezonehh:timezonemm) debutDate: ISO 8601 date/time (UTC-5) of release.creatorFriendly: Is track allowed for licensing ? (boolean).artistsTitle: Human-readable artist field (String).artists: numeric array containing artists linked to the track entry.
#Monstercat gold twitch channel id code#
upc: Product code (barcode) for the release.title: Human readable string containing the release title.tags: numeric array containing strings which defines the release.releaseDate: ISO 8601 date/time (UTC-5) of release.catalogId: Monstercat's readable release ID (MCEPxxx MCSxxx etc.).artistsTitle: unknown, doesn't return anything yet ?.url: add this to the artist endpoint to find their page.role: How did the artist contributed to the track.public: is there a webpage associated and publicly available ?.This has been moved to Monstercat v2 APIĮndpoint : connect(.stage)./v2/