Entropy has been designed specifically for Mac toarchive files on Mac. Winzip can zip or unzip on Mac, and open. After you'veselected the files and folders, right click on them, andthen select Compress.ħ Best Mac Apps to Unarchive/Archive Files withPassword. Using the test photo from earlier, the corresponding command looks like this: unzip Photo.zip. You can select multiple files and foldersby holding down the Shift key (for multiple items) or the Commandkey (for several individual items) and clicking. To uncompress zip files using macOS’ Terminal, use the unzip command. Locate the file or folder you want to compress. To compress several files and/or folders, create a new folder (Shift + Cmd + N) within Finder or on the desktop and name it whatever you want the zip to be called. Easy Unrar, Unzip and Zip is a file archive management app that opens almost all. People also ask, how do I zip two files on a Mac? That is clearly described in second paragraph in manual for Rar.

Don't confuse the Ctrl key with the Alt (or Option) key.The Ctrl key on a Mac is not the one next to the space bar,it's at the far end of the keyboard, on either the right orleft side. Subsequently, question is, how do you right click on a Mac? One way to right click on a Mac is to press theCtrl (or Control) key when you tap the mouse button, or thetrackpad. Access the extracted files by clicking the appropriateicons.The file will automatically be decompressed by Archive Utilityinto the same folder the compressed file is in.To unzip files on a mac, simply follow the stepsbelow: Likewise, how do you unzip files on a Mac? Right-click on a file, folder, or files you want to zip.Locate the items to zip in the Mac Finder (filesystem).